Index- 8
CSA7000 Series, TDS7000 Series, & TDS6000 Series Instruments User Manual
Eye top, B --4, C--12
Eye width, B--4, C--12
Fall time, B--1, C--12, Glossary--6
Falling edge, A Trigger control window, 3--109, 3--111
FALSE , A Trigger control window, 3--107, 3--110
Fast acquisition, 3--47, 3--57
automatic selection, 3 --48
normal DSO and fast acquisition displays, 3 --50
to adjust the intensity, 3-- 53
to enable fast ac quisitions mode, 3--51
to select the color palette, 3--53
to select the format, 3 -- 54
to set display format, 3 --54
to set the display readout options, 3--145
to set the style , 3--52
to turn fast acquisitions on and off, 3--50
using fast acquisition mode, 3 -- 47
using fast acquisitions, 3--48
vs. normal DSO mode (illustrated), 3--49
waveform ca pture rate , 3--48
Fast acquisitions, C--5
Fast acquisitions mode, modes incompatible with, 3--47
Fast Fourier transforms, description, 3--202
FastFrame, 3--56, 3--150, 3--187
controls, C--6
FastFrame time stamp, illustrated, 3 --62
incompatible with fast acquisitions, 3--47
interactions, 3--57
RUN/STOP, 3--57
select the FastFrame and time stamps selection
controls, 3--61
select the frame to view, 3-- 59
select the reference frame, 3--61
set frame count , 3--59
set frame le ngth, 3--58
setup, C--6
time stamping frames, 3--60
to lock the reference position frames, 3 --62
to set FastFrame mode, 3--58
turn readouts on or off, time stamps, 3 --60
using FastFrame ac quisitions, 3--57
view multiple frames, 3--59
FastFrame mode, using, 3--58
FastFrame setup, horizontal menu, 3--58, 3--62
FFT math waveform
automated measurements of, 3--229
phase suppression, 3--234
procedure for displaying, 3--231
procedure for measuring, 3--229, 3--238
Fiber optics, Glossary--6
File formats, 3--262
File menu
1 recent setup file !, C--2
delete all refs, C--1
display on/off, C--1
export, C--2
export setup, C--2
full scree n, C--2
graticule, C--2
instrument setup, C --1
label, C --1
measurements, C --2
minimize, C --2
page setup, C--2
position/scale, C--1
print, C --2
print preview, C--2
recall default setup, C--1
recall waveform, C--1
reference setup, C--1
reference waveform s, C --1
run application, C--2
save waveform, C--1
select for export, C--2
shutdown, C--2
waveform, C--2
Filter selection, 3--67
Flat panel display, cleaning, D--2
Flattop2 window, 3--214, 3--216, 3--224
Flexible control access, 3--12
FORCE TRIG button, 3--87
graticule, 3--144, C--9
horizontal menu, 3--59
Frame count, horizontal menu, 3--59
Frame length, horizontal menu, 3--58
Frame, horizontal menu, 3--61
Frequency, B--1, C--12, Glossary--6
Frequency domain controls, 3--202
Front panel, triggering, 3--78
Front panel connectors, 3--64
Front-panel controls, INTENSITY, 3--53
Full, graticule, 3--144, C--9
Full screen, C--2, C--3
Fuses, 1--9
Gate controls, 3--206
Gated measurements, Glossary--6
Gating, 3--159, C--12