System Overview Maps
CSA7000 Series, TDS7000 Series, & TDS6000 Series Instruments User Manual
H Trigger System. Recognizes a specific event of interest on the input trigger
signal and informs the Timebase of the occurrence of the event. Also
provides recovered clock and data signals (optional on TDS7000 Series and
TDS6000 Series instruments).
H Timebase System. Tells the Acquisition system to start an acquisition
cycle (that is, to convert from analog to digital). In more general terms,
synchronizes the capturing of digital samples in the Acquisition system
to the trigger events generated from the Trigger system.
H Acquisition System. Performs the actual A/D conversion and storing of
digital samples.
H Optical-to-Electrical Converter. CSA7000 Series: Converts optical
signals to electrical signals.
H DSP T ransformation System. Performs a variety of transformations or
operations, beginning with the most fundamental data element(s) in the
system, the Channel Waveform(s). Waveform math operations, automatic
measurements, spectral waveforms, and histogram generation are examples.
H Input/Output Systems. Provides output (and sometimes input) of instru-
ment-data elements in a form suitable to the user and also provides user
input control.
The process overview that follows describes each step in the top-level cycle of
instrument operation.