Appendix C: Menu Bar Commands
CSA7000 Series, TDS7000 Series, & TDS6000 Series Instruments User Manual
Table C- 3: Vertical menu commands (Cont.)
Menu FunctionSubmenu
Zoom Setup Displays t he Zoom Setup window you use to set up the horiz ontal and vertical
zoom controls
Zoom Graticule Size 50/50%
Sets the zoom graticule split mode to 50/50%
Sets the zoom graticule split mode to 80/20%
Sets the zoom graticule split mode to 100%
Displays the Z oom control window you use to select the zoom graticule size
Horizontal and A cquisition Commands
Table C--4 lists the commands available from the Horiz/Acq menu.
Table C- 4: Horiz/Acq menu commands
Menu Submenu Function
Displays the H orizontal and Acquisition Setup window you use to set up the
Horizontal and Vertical subsystems:
Horizontal: You can set the record length, scale, resolution, sample rate,
duration delay, reference point, and zoom
Acquisition: You can set the acquisition mode, enable fast acquisitions, roll
mode, equivalent time, interpolat ed real time, equivalent time, and FastFrame
on instruments with these features
Zoom Controls Displays the Z oom control window you use to set the position and scale of
zoomed waveforms
Autoset Automatically sets up the front-panel controls based on the characteristics of the
input signal and default selections
Undo Last Autoset Undoes the last autoset
Fast Acquisitions Toggles Fast Acquisitions mode on and off on instruments with t his feature
(CSA7000 Series & TDS7000 Series only)