ZyWALL USG 300 User’s Guide
macro 587
mutation 587
polymorphic 587
scan 574
VLAN 335
advantages 336
and MAC address 335
ID 335
troubleshooting 899
VLAN interfaces 290, 336
and Ethernet interfaces 336, 899
basic characteristics 291
virtual 356
VoIP pass through 434
and firewall 430
and NAT 430
and policy routes 429, 430
see also ALG 428
VPN 467
active protocol 502
and NAT 500
and the firewall 452
basic troubleshooting 903
hub-and-spoke, see VPN concentrator
IPSec 467
proposal 497
security associations (SA) 468
see also IKE SA
see also IPSec 467
see also IPSec SA
see also L2TP VPN 467
status 231
troubleshooting 905
VPN concentrator 491
advantages 491
and IPSec SA policy enforcement 495
disadvantages 491
troubleshooting 905
VPN connections
and address objects 470
and policy routes 381, 904
VPN gateways
and certificates 470
and extended authentication 470
and interfaces 470
and to-ZyWALL firewall 904
VRID 705
VRPT (Vantage Report) 863, 869
VRRP 703
advertisement interval 712
and to-ZyWALL firewall 703
backup router 712
management IP 712
master router 712
router priority 712
virtual router ID (VR ID) 712
VRRP groups 703
and interfaces 703
and to-ZyWALL firewall 703
authentication 703
role (desired) 707
see also VRRP
multiple IP addresses 174
WAN trunk 98
warm start 37
warning message popup 57
warranty 1093
note 1093
Web attack 601
Web Configurator 36, 47
access 47
access users 728
requirements 47
supported browsers 47
web features
ActiveX 664
cookies 664
Java 664
web proxy servers 664
web proxy servers 424, 664
see also HTTP redirect
web-based SSL application 791
configuration example 792
create 794
weblink 792
webroot-directory-traversal attack 641