5. Advanced operation
2. Navigate to the Configuration > Calibration menu.
3. Enter the Display Function submenu.
4. Select one of the available display functions and confirm.
5.18 Amb ient Light Compensation (ALC)
About ALC
Ambient Light Compensation (ALC) can only be enabled on your display when the DI-
COM display function is selected. Therefore, please refer to "Display functions", page
25 to correctly set the display function.
When ALC is enabled, the DICOM display function will be recalculated t aking a preset ambient light cor-
rection value into account. This value is determined by the selected reading room. Therefore, it is also
important to select a realistic reading room when enabling ALC. This can be done by following the instruc-
tions in "Reading rooms", page 26.
To enable/disable ALC:
1. Bring up the OSD main menu.
2. Navigate to the Configuration > Calibration > Ambient Light menu.
3. Enter the Ambient Light Compensation submenu.
4. Select Enabled/Disabled as desired and confirm.
5.19 Reading rooms
About reading rooms
Reading rooms can only be selected when the DICOM display function is selected.
Therefore, please refer to "Display functions", page 25 to correctly set the display
The American Association of Physicists in Medicine (AAPM) composed a list of pre-defined reading rooms.
Each of these reading rooms are defined by following parameters:
• the maximum light allowed in this type of room
• the preset ambient light correction value for this reading room
These parameters are stored in your display and determine the preset ambient light correction value to
take into account to recalculate the DICOM display function when Ambient Light Compensation (ALC) is
enabled. Please refer to "Ambient Light Compensation (ALC)", page 26 to enable ALC.
The available reading r ooms for your Coronis Fusion 6MP are:
CR/DR/ MAMMO Corresponds to light conditions in diagnostic
reading rooms for computed radiology, digital
radiology or mammography. This setting has the
lowest maximum ambient light.
CT/MR/NM Corresponds to light conditions in diagnostic
reading rooms for computed tomography, magnetic
resonance or nuclear medicine scans.
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