
2-Way RF Compact Color Touchpanel Crestron STX-1550C
System View of STRFGWX NET ID Assignment in SIMPL Windows’ Configuration Manager
When the STX-1550C is dropped onto the STRFGWX, the first available RF ID
default address (01 as shown below) is automatically assigned. Verify or drag to
reassign the address in the Detail System View.
“STRF Address” Window
Next, add a ST-VC to the system and verify the NET ID as shown below.
System View of ST-VC NET ID Assignment in SIMPL Windows’ Configuration Manager
Programming Manager
Use the Programming Manager workspace (Project | Program System) in SIMPL
Windows to select symbols and assign their respective signals. For this example, a
STX-1550C touchpanel and ST-VC symbol were added automatically when the
devices were added to the system in the Configuration Manager workspace. Expand
the Network Modules folder and double-click on the STRFGWX and then on the
touchpanel for a detail view (alternatively CTRL+D or drag and drop into Detail
View). Assign digital, analog, and serial signals to the touchpanel as shown on the
next page.
18 2-Way RF Compact Color Touchpanel: STX-1550C Operations Guide - DOC. 5812A