Black plate (8,1)
! You can play playlists created with the com-
puter application (MusicSphere). The appli-
cation will be available on our website.
! Playlists that you created with the computer
application (MusicSphere) are displayed in
abbreviated form.
Operations using special buttons
Selecting arepeat play range
1 Press 6/
to cyclebetween the following:
! ONE –Repeat the currentsong
! ALL –Repeat all songsin the selectedlist
! When thecontrol mode isset to CONTROL
iPod/CTRL iPod, therepeat play range willbe
same aswhat is setfor the connected iPod.
Selecting arandom play range(shuffle)
1 Press 5/
to cyclebetween the following:
! SNG –Play back songsin the selected list
in randomorder.
! ALB –Play backsongs from arandomly se-
lected albumin order.
! OFF –Not play backin random order.
Playing allsongs in randomorder (shuffle all)
1 Press andhold 5/
to turnshuffle all on.
! Toturn off shuffle all,select OFF inshuffle. For
details, referto Selecting arandom play range
(shuffle) onpage 8.
Pausing playback
1 Press 4/PAUSE topause or resume.
Enhancing compressedaudio and restoringrich
sound (soundretriever)
Only forDEH-X3600S
1 Press 3/S.Rtrvto cycle between:
1—2—OFF (off)
1 iseffective for lowcompression rates, and 2
is effectivefor high compressionrates.
Playing songs related to the
currently playing song
You can play songs from the following lists.
• Album list of the currently playing artist
• Song list of the currently playing album
• Album list of the currently playing genre
1 Press and hold
to switch to link play
2 Turn M.C. to change the mode; pressto
! ARTIST –Plays an albumby the artistcur-
rently playing.
! ALBUM –Plays a songfrom the album cur-
rently beingplayed.
! GENRE –Plays an albumfrom the genre cur-
rently beingplayed.
The selected song/album will be played after the
currently playing song.
! The selected song/album may be canceledif
you use functions other than link search (e.g.
fast forward and reverse).
! Depending on the song selected to play, the
end of the currently playing song and the be-
ginning of the selected song/album may be
cut off.
Using this unit’s iPod function
from your iPod
This unit’s iPod function can be controlled by
using the connected iPod.
CONTROL iPod/CTRL iPod is not compatible
with the following iPod models.
! iPodnano 1st generation
! iPodwith video
% Press BAND/ to switch the control
! CONTROL iPod/CTRLiPod – Thisunit’siPod
function canbe operated fromthe connected
iPod function can becontrolled by usingthis
! Switching the control mode to
CONTROL iPod/CTRL iPod pauses song
playback. Use the iPod to resume playback.
! The following operations are still accessible
from the unit even if the control mode isset
to CONTROL iPod/CTRL iPod.
— Pausing
— Fast forward/reverse
— Selectinga song (chapter)
! The volume can only be adjusted fromthis
Function settings
1 Press M.C. to display the mainmenu.
2 Turn M.C. to change the menu option
and press to select FUNCTION.
3 Turn M.C. to select the function.
Once selected, the following functions can be
! AUDIO BOOKis not availablewhen
CONTROL iPod/CTRLiPod is selectedin the
control mode.For details,refer to Usingthis
unit’s iPod functionfrom your iPod on page8.
AUDIO BOOK(audiobook speed)
1 Press M.C. todisplay the settingmode.
2 TurnM.C. to selectyour favorite setting.
! FASTER– Playback ata speed faster than
! NORMAL –Playback at normal speed
! SLOWER –Playback at aspeed slower
than normal
S.RTRV(sound retriever)
1 Press M.C. toselect the desiredsetting.
Fordetails, refer toEnhancing compressed
audio andrestoring rich sound (soundretriever)
on page8.
Streaming Pandora
Requirements to access Pandora using the
Pioneer caraudio/video products:
! Please updatethe firmware of thePandoraappli-
cation tothe latest versionbefore use.
! The latestversion of the Pandora applicationcan
be downloadedon iTunes AppStore and Google
! Create afree or apaid account online. Youcan
create theaccount in thePandora application
from youriPhone or on thewebsite. TheURL in
the following:
! If theData Plan for your iPhonedoes not provide
for unlimiteddata usage, additionalcharges
from yourcarrier may apply foraccessing the
Pandora service via 3Gand/or EDGE networks.
! You need toconnect to theInternet via 3G,EDGE
or Wi-Finetwork touse the service from Pandora.
! Depending onthe availability tothe Internet, you
may notbe able toreceive Pandoraservice.
Using this unit
Using this unit