See Also
clear snmp notify profile on page 143
set ip snmp server on page 180
set snmp community on page 185
set snmp notify target on page 192
set snmp protocol on page 197
set snmp security on page 198
set snmp usm on page 199
set snmp notify profile on page 187
set snmp notify
Configures a notification target for notifications from SNMP.
A notification target is a remote device that the WX sends SNMP
notifications. You can configure the MSS SNMP engine to send confirmed
notifications (informs) or unconfirmed notifications (traps). Some of the
command options differ depending on the SNMP version and the type of
notification you specify. You can configure up to 10 notification targets.
SNMPv3 with Informs To configure a notification target for informs from SNMPv3, use the
following command:
Syntax —
set snmp notify target target-num
usm inform user username
snmp-engine-id {ip | hex hex-string}
[profile profile-name]
[security {unsecured | authenticated | encrypted}]
[retries num]
[timeout num]
target-num — ID for the target. This ID is local to the WX switch and
does not need to correspond to a value on the target itself. You can
specify a number from 1 to 10.
ip-addr[:udp-port-number] — IP address of the server. You also can
specify the UDP port number to send notifications to.