mode disable — Disables a radio.
Defaults — MAP access point radios are disabled by default.
Access — Enabled.
History —Introduced in MSS Version 3.0. Option auto added for
configuration of the MAP configuration profile. Version 6.0 removed the
dap option.
Usage — To enable or disable one or more radios to which a profile is
assigned, use the set ap radio radio-profile command. To enable or
disable all radios that use a specific radio profile, use the set
radio-profile command.
Examples — The following command enables radio 1 on the MAP 1:
WX1200# set ap 1 radio 1 mode enable
success: change accepted.
The following command enables radio 2 on on MAP 1:
WX1200# set ap 1 radio 2 mode enable
success: change accepted.
See Also
clear ap radio on page 308
display ap config on page 316
set ap radio radio-profile on page 392
set radio-profile mode on page 416
set ap radio
Assigns a radio profile to a MAP radio and enables or disables the radio.
Syntax — set ap {ap-number | auto} radio {1 | 2}
radio-profile name mode {enable | disable}
ap ap-number — Index value that indentifies the MAP on the WX.
radio 1 — Radio 1 of the MAP.
radio 2 — Radio 2 of the MAP. (This option does not apply to
single-radio models.)