See Also
clear system on page 44
set system contact on page 60
set system countrycode on page 61
set system idle-timeout on page 65
set system location on page 67
set system name on page 68
help Displays a list of commands that can be used to configure and monitor
the WX switch.
Syntax —
Defaults — None.
Access — All.
History — Introduced in MSS Version 3.0.
Examples — Use this command to see a list of available commands. If
you have restricted access, you see fewer commands than if you have
enabled access. To show a list of CLI commands available at the enabled
access level, type the following command at the enabled access level:
WX4400# help
clear Clear, use 'clear help' for more information
commit Commit the content of the ACL table
copy Copy from filename (or url) to filename (or url)
Memory Current size (in megabytes) of nonvolatile memory
(NVRAM) and synchronous dynamic RAM (SDRAM), plus
the percentage of total memory space in use, in the
following format:
NVRAM size /SDRAM size (percent of total)
Total Power Over
Total power that the device is currently supplying to its
directly connected MAP access points, in watts.
Table 7 display system output (continued)
Field Description