set rfdetect
Adds an entry to the client black list. The client black list specifies clients
that are not allowed on the network. MSS drops all packets from the
clients on the black list.
Syntax —
set rfdetect black-list mac-addr
mac-addr — MAC address you want to place on the black list.
Defaults — The client black list is empty by default.
Access — Enabled.
History —Introduced in MSS Version 4.0.
Usage — In addition to manually configured entries, the list can contain
entries added by MSS. MSS can place a client in the black list due to an
association, reassociation or disassociation flood from the client.
The client black list applies only to the WX switch on which the list is
configured. WX switches do not share client black lists.
Examples — The following command adds client MAC address
11:22:33:44:55:66 to the black list:
WX1200# set rfdetect black-list 11:22:33:44:55:66
success: MAC 11:22:33:44:55:66 is now blacklisted.
See Also
display rfdetect black-list on page 636
set rfdetect black-list on page 654
set rf detect
Enables or disables countermeasures for the Mobility Domain.
Countermeasures are packets sent by a radio to prevent clients from
being able to use a rogue access point.
CAUTION: Countermeasures affect wireless service on a radio. When a
MAP radio is sending countermeasures, the radio is disabled for use by
network traffic, until the radio finishes sending the countermeasures.