See Also
display ap connection on page 343
display ap global on page 345
display ap unconfigured on page 347
display radio-profile on page 350
set ap on page 87
set port type ap on page 97
set ap bias on page 367
set ap group on page 379
set ap name on page 381
set ap upgrade-firmware on page 396
profile Radio profile that manages the radio. Until you assign the
radio to a radio profile, MSS assigns the radio to the default
radio profile.
auto-tune max-power Maximum power level the RF Auto-Tuning feature can set
on the radio.
The value default means RF Auto-Tuning can set the
power up to the maximum level allowed for the country
of operation.
A specific numeric value means you or another
administrator set the maximum value.
load-balance-group Names of the RF load-balancing groups to which the MAP
access point belongs. If the value is None, the access point
does not belong to any load balancing groups.
Note: This field is displayed only if the MAP is a member of
a group.
load-balance-enable Whether RF load balancing is enabled for this MAP.
force-rebalance Whether the MAP radio to disassociates its client sessions
and rebalance them whenever a new MAP radio is added to
the RF load balancing group.
local-switching Whether local packet switching is enabled for the
vlan-profile The VLAN profile the MAP uses for local packet switching,
indicating which VLANs are locally switched.
Table 53 Output for display ap config (continued)
Field Description