Examples — To clear all sessions for MAC address 00:01:02:03:04:05,
type the following command:
WX4400# clear sessions network mac-addr 00:01:02:03:04:05
To clear session 9, type the following command:
WX1200# clear sessions network session-id 9
SM Apr 11 19:53:38 DEBUG SM-STATE: localid 9, mac 00:06:25:09:39:5d,
flags 0000012fh, to change state to KILLING
Localid 9, globalid SESSION-9-893249336 moved from ACTIVE to KILLING
To clear the session of user Natasha, type the following command:
WX1200# clear sessions network user Natasha
To clear the sessions of users whose name begins with the characters Jo,
type the following command:
WX1200# clear sessions network user Jo*
To clear the sessions of all users on VLAN red, type the following
WX1200# clear sessions network vlan red
See Also
display sessions on page 616
display sessions network on page 620
display sessions Displays session information and statistics for all users with administrative
access to the WX switch, or for administrative users with either console or
Telnet access.
Syntax —
display sessions {admin | console | telnet
admin — Displays sessions for all users with administrative access to
the WX switch through a Telnet or SSH connection or a console
plugged into the switch.
console — Displays sessions for all users with administrative access to
the WX switch through a console plugged into the switch.