display aaa 229
display aaa Displays all current AAA settings.
Syntax —
display aaa
Defaults — None.
Access — Enabled.
History —Introduced in MSS Version 3.0. Web Portal section added, to
indicate the state of the WebAAA feature in MSS Version 4.0.
Examples — To display all current AAA settings, type the following
WX4400# display aaa
Default Values
authport=1812 acctport=1813 timeout=5 acct-timeout=5
retrans=3 deadtime=0 key=(null) author-pass=(null)
Radius Servers
Server Addr Ports T/o Tries Dead State
rs-3 1821 1813 5 3 0 UP
rs-4 1821 1813 77 11 2 UP
rs-5 1821 1813 42 23 0 UP
Server groups
sg1: rs-3
sg2: rs-4
sg3: rs-5
Web Portal:
set authentication admin Jose sg3
set authentication console * none
set authentication mac ssid mycorp * local
set authentication dot1x ssid mycorp Geetha eap-tls
set authentication dot1x ssid mycorp * peap-mschapv2 sg1 sg2 sg3
set authentication dot1x ssid any ** peap-mschapv2 sg1 sg2 sg3
set accounting dot1x Nin ssid mycorp stop-only sg2
set accounting admin Natasha start-stop local
user Nin
Password = 082c6c64060b (encrypted)
Filter-Id = acl-999.in
Filter-Id = acl-999.out