set radio-profile
Creates a new radio profile, and disables or reenables all MAP radios that
are using a specific profile.
Syntax —
set radio-profile name [mode {enable | disable}]
radio-profile name — Radio profile name of up to 16 alphanumeric
characters, with no spaces.
Use this command without the mode enable or mode disable
option to create a new profile.
mode enable — Enables the radios that use this profile.
mode disable — Disables the radios that use this profile.
Defaults — Each radio profile that you create has a set of properties with
factory default values that you can change with the other set
radio-profile commands in this chapter.
Table 72 lists the parameters controlled by a radio profile and their
default values.
Table 72 Defaults for Radio Profile Parameters
Parameter Default Value
Radio Behavior When Parameter Set to
Default Value
active-scan enable Sends probe any requests (probe requests
with a null SSID name) to solicit probe
responses from other access points.
auto-tune enable Allows dynamic configuration of channel
and power settings by MSS.
beacon-interval 100 Waits 100 ms between beacons.
countermeasures Not configured Does not issue countermeasures against
any device.
dtim-interval 1 Sends the delivery traffic indication map
(DTIM) after every beacon.
frag-threshold 2346 Uses the short-retry-count for frames
shorter than 2346 bytes and uses the
long-retry-count for frames that are 2346
bytes or longer.
max-rx-lifetime 2000 Allows a received frame to stay in the
buffer for up to 2000 ms (2 seconds).