set ap radio load balancing 389
Usage — A Mesh Portal MAP can be configured to emit link
calibration packets to
assist with positioning the Mesh AP. A link
calibration packet is an unencrypted 802.11 management packet of type
Action. When enabled on an MAP, link calibration packets are sent at a
rate of 5 per second.
The MP-620 is equipped with a connector to which an external RSSI
meter can be attached during installation. When an RSSI meter is
attached to an MP-620 and a calibration packet is received, the MP-620
emits a voltage to the RSSI meter proportional to the received signal
strength of the packet. This can aid in positioning the MP-620 where it
has a strong signal to the Mesh Portal AP.
Only one radio on an MAP can be configured to send link calibration
packets. Link calibration packets are intended to be used only during
installation of MAPs; they are not intended to be enabled on a continual
Examples — The following command enables link calibration packets
for MAP radio 1 on MAP 7:
WX# set ap 7 radio 1 link-calibration mode enable
See Also
display ap mesh-links on page 329
set ap boot-configuration mesh ssid on page 373
set service-profile mesh on page 450
set ap radio load
Disables or enables RF load balancing for an MAP radio.
Syntax — set ap ap-number radio {1 | 2} load balancing {enable
| disable}
ap ap-number — Index value that indentifies the MAP on the WX.
radio 1 — Radio 1 of the MAP.
radio 2 — Radio 2 of the MAP. (This option does not apply to
single-radio models.)
enable — Enables link calibration packets for the MAP radio.