Default Option Descriptions
BMC Software, Inc., Confidential and Proprietary Information
Chapter 6 Installing CATALOG MANAGER 6-11
Figure 6-1 CATALOG MANAGER Default Options Listing (Part 5 of 5)
Note: The ,R in the variable syntax indicates that the value specified will
refresh the existing value of the variable in the user’s ISPF profile
data set every time that a user starts the product.
Default Option Descriptions
This section describes the DOPTs listed in Figure 6-1 on page 6-7. In some
cases, the default value for the option is listed.
The name of the data set where you want to store archived log entries.
CATALOG MANAGER dynamically allocates the log entries the first time
that they are used. (See the CATALOG MANAGER for DB2 User Guide for
details about log maintenance.) When allocating this data set, use these
Note: In many installation sites, allocation of data sets is controlled by
user-written or third-party routines. If allocation fails, you should use
alternate means, such as the Interactive System Productivity Facility
(ISPF), to perform the allocations.
ALLC=N Determines whether to display all panel titles, column heads, field prompts,
and messages in uppercase characters (
Y or N).
AOPTS=ALUDOPD1 If ALTER or CHANGE MANAGER is installed, the DOPTs name specified
with this parameter is used to run a CATALOG MANAGER worklist using
the Execution component and the associated plan names.
Note: See also the description for UXSTP.
AUDIT=Y Indicates whether to use audit logging (Y or N).
AUXRELS=STATIC Specifies whether CATALOG MANAGER uses static SQL or dynamic SQL
to access the SYSIBM.SYSAUXRELS DB2 catalog table. The default
STATIC uses the privileges of the package owner. DYNAMIC uses the
privileges of the person who is listing the table.