Rules for Running Multiple Product Releases in a Single Subsystem
BMC Software, Inc., Confidential and Proprietary Information
Chapter 1 Preparing for Installation 1-21
If you modify any of the values in member $xnnDOPT after installation, you
must rerun the $xnnDOPT job for these changes to occur. You can also
modify the options for a specific product by editing and running the
stand-alone options job for that product in the product library. The name of
the options job for each product varies depending on the type of product that
you are installing. For more information about DOPTs for a specific product,
see the appropriate product chapter in this book.
Rules for Running Multiple Product Releases in a
Single Subsystem
You may need to perform acceptance testing on a new release before you can
upgrade it to production. To facilitate this requirement, you can run multiple
releases of some BMC Software products within a single DB2 subsystem. If
you plan to use the Full installation path to install multiple releases of the
BMC Software products, follow these rules:
• Use a unique high-level qualifier (HLQ) that is different from the
qualifier currently in use. The Install System creates a new set of BMC
Software product libraries to support the new release.
• Do not copy the load modules to the APF library that is currently in use.
• Use the Custom installation mode.
• Use a DB2-synonym qualifier for the product that is different from the
qualifier currently in use.
• Use naming conventions that are different from the conventions currently
in use for plans and collection IDs.
• If you do not want to share the existing DB2 objects with the new release
of the products, use DBNAME and CREATOR names that are different
from other BMC Software objects.
The Install System generates a new ISPF interface to access the
newly-installed set of products. You must continue to use the old ISPF
interface to access the older set of products.