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9-8 Administrative Products for DB2 Installation Guide
Installing the Client on a Network Drive
Installing the Client on a Network Drive
Summary: This procedure describes how to provide full access to the files on the CD by
copying the installation image from the CD to a shared network drive and
then installing the product locally. This option provides anyone who wants to
install the client on their local hard drive full access to the range of product
The following procedure uses n for the network drive. If your network drive
is mapped to another letter, substitute the correct drive letter.
Step 1 Insert the Database Administration product’s CD into the client’s CD-ROM
The Database Administration product’s Setup program launches
Step 2 Click Cancel and then click the Exit Setup button.
Step 3 Copy the files from the CD to a shared network drive.
From Windows Explorer, choose the CD-ROM drive and select all of the files
on the drive. Copy the highlighted files to a shared network drive.
Step 4 Start the Database Administration products’ Setup program.
From Windows Explorer, double-click
setup.exe from the location on the
network where the Database Administration installation files reside.
Alternatively, click the
Start button and choose Run. Enter
n:\install_dir\setup.exe in the Run dialog box.
The Welcome page of the Setup program appears.
Step 5 Follow Step 2 through Step 8 in the task “Installing a Client to Run Locally”
on page 9-6.