Batch Product Authorization
BMC Software, Inc., Confidential and Proprietary Information
Appendix A BMC Software Product Authorization A-29
Control Statements and Keywords
Some tasks require different input parameters depending on the type of
password that you are installing. The sample JCL shown in Figure A-14 on
page A-28 shows various tasks that you can perform by using the batch
version of product authorization. You need to modify the JCL to include only
the tasks that you want to perform.
The following syntax rules apply to the control statements:
• Control statements can begin in any column.
• Uppercase letters are required.
• You must insert at least one blank space between individual keywords
and data fields. Multiple blank spaces are acceptable.
• To insert comments, type an asterisk (*) in column 1 of each line that
contains the comment. Comments following keywords are not allowed.
• You cannot specify the
LIST keyword on the same line as PSWD,
Table A-6 describes the control statement keywords.
Table A-6 Control Statement Keywords
Keyword Data Explanation
PSWD 12-character password
formatted as four fields of
three characters each,
separated by either a
comma or a blank (See
sample JCL on
page A-28)
Twelve continuous
characters are also
Valid characters are alphanumeric
(excluding letters
). Valid
special characters are =, +, and @.
You can substitute the asterisk (*) for
the “at” sign (@) when @ is not
available on the keyboard.
NEWCPUID five-digit serial number,
followed by a hyphen and
a four-digit model number
The serial number and model number
must be hexadecimal characters
separated by a single hyphen.
OLDCPUID five-digit serial number,
followed by a hyphen and
a four-digit model number
The serial number and model number
must be hexadecimal characters
separated by a single hyphen.
LIST not applicable A report prints showing the contents
of the product-authorization tables
and information about the processor
on which the job ran.