BMC Software, Inc., Confidential and Proprietary Information
7-2 Administrative Products for DB2 Installation Guide
This chapter provides information about how to prepare to install the BMC
Software CHANGE MANAGER for DB2 product. The CHANGE
MANAGER product provides management of application data structure
definitions and application data over multiple DB2 subsystems. It is a
comprehensive tool for managing complex environments in which users can
design multiple data structures, install them on multiple DB2 subsystems,
vary the structures at each DB2 location to meet local requirements, and
implement version upgrades over the life of the application. CHANGE
MANAGER provides the following major functions:
• changes data structures
• copies data structures within the same DB2 subsystem
• migrates data structures
• migrates changes that are made to data structures
• undoes changes that are made to data structures
• recovers structures and data to a prior state
• records changes that are made to data structures
• interacts with data modeling (CASE) tools
• feeds back changes that are made at the receiving DB2 subsystem to the
sending DB2 subsystem
CHANGE MANAGER provides full management support for the same set of
data structures as the ALTER product:
• storage group
• database
• table space
• table
• check constraint (DB2 Version 4.1 and later)
• foreign key
• index
• view
• trigger (DB2 Version 6.1 and later)
• alias
• synonym
When you use CHANGE MANAGER to specify any of these objects for
change, CHANGE MANAGER automatically propagates the change as
needed for any dependent objects. CHANGE MANAGER restores all data,
dependencies, and authorizations, and supports a large number of data type