BMC Software, Inc., Confidential and Proprietary Information
8-14 Administrative Products for DB2 Installation Guide
Post-Installation Considerations
TIMEPARM Indicates the TIME limit in minutes for each step in a batch job stream.
WDC The Data Facility Storage Management Subsystem (DFSMS or SMS) data
class name, used at data set allocation time, to define the allocation attributes
of the data set. A data class name is not required, even for SMS data sets.
WDC will appear as "DATACLAS= " in the JCL for workfiles.
The default worklist data set name for a new Work ID. This data set can be
either a sequential file or a partitioned data set (PDS).
Note: In many installations, allocation of data sets is controlled by
user-written or third-party routines. If allocation fails, you should use
alternate means, such as ISPF, to perform the allocations.
WMC The SMS management class name, used at data set allocation time, to define
the migration, retention, and backup requirements of the data set. WMC will
appear as "MGMTCLAS= " in the JCL for workfiles.
WPS=10 Defines the default work primary space allocation in cylinders for work data
sets that include Analysis and Execution diagnostics.
WSC The SMS storage class name, used at data set allocation time, to define
processing requirements of the data set. WSC will appear as
"STORCLAS= " in the JCL for non-tape work files.
WSS=2 Defines the default work secondary space allocation in cylinders for work
data sets that include Analysis and Execution diagnostics.
WU=SYSDA Defines the default work unit. Work data sets include Analysis and Execution
diagnostics data sets.
XPLAN=ASUvrmDX The name of the DASD MANAGER PLUS plan that is used for cross
ZPLAN=ASUvrmDZ The name of the DASD MANAGER PLUS plan that is used for displaying
Post-Installation Considerations
After installation, refer to Chapter 4, “Performing Post-Installation Tasks,”
for information about how to perform post-installation tasks for DASD