Refreshing Default Options
BMC Software, Inc., Confidential and Proprietary Information
Chapter 3 Performing Additional Installation Tasks 3-13
Refreshing Default Options
If you need to reset the values in user profiles, the BMC Software
Administrative Products provide a refresh feature. This feature modifies one
or more option values for all of the product’s users. To refresh an option
value in all existing user profiles, enclose the option value in parentheses and
include ,R after the value inside the parentheses, as in the following
This example refreshes the default subsystem ID for all of the product’s
Note: Do not drop either the continuation comma after the closing
parenthesis or the continuation character in column 72.
For products other than CATALOG MANAGER, the ,R in the variable
syntax indicates that the value specified will refresh the existing value of the
variable in the user’s ISPF profile data set, if the timestamp of the DOPTS is
later than that in the user’s ISPF profile member. However, the user can
change the override value in the user profile. In CATALOG MANAGER, the
refresh occurs every time that a user starts the product.
If your user options do not successfully refresh, complete the following steps:
1. Verify that the refresh option is coded on the correct macro listing
keyword in the DOPTs assembly member.
2. Verify that the DOPTs assembly completed successfully with a return
code of 0.
3. Verify that the assembled DOPTs member is the same DOPTs member
that the Administrative Products use.
To verify, type
ENVI on the command line within the product. Compare
the listed DOPTs module name with the name of the DOPTs module that
you assembled and link edited.
4. Verify that the DOPTs module assembly is updating the correct load
The SYSLMOD ddname statement should reference the load library
where the Administrative Products reside.