Default Option Descriptions
BMC Software, Inc., Confidential and Proprietary Information
Chapter 7 Installing CHANGE MANAGER 7-25
HSMVOL=vol Specifies the volume ID that indicates an archived data set if you are using a
disk management system. If this volume ID is encountered, ALTER or
CHANGE MANAGER uses a template of default values for data set
IMP=CMvrmcDI Defines the Import plan name.
IMPDIAG=SYSOUT Defines the default name for the Import diagnostic output data set.
ISPSLIB This value is used by the GUI for CHANGE MANAGER for JCL generation.
IXTYPE=2 For DB2 Versions 4 and 5, the default Index type that ALTER and CHANGE
MANAGER use when no type is specified on a create index command.
1 Type 1 index
2 Type 2 index (DB2 Version 4 and later)
Defines the jobcard that the Front End uses when generating JCL. Symbolic
variables can be used and are described in the Symbolic Variable appendix of
the respective products’ reference manuals.
JCLCLEAN=N Enables you to generate a job step that automatically deletes many of the
permanent (also known as non-temporary) data sets that the Execution
component creates. These data sets are created during worklist processing
and have a disposition (
NEW,CATLG,CATLG). The automatic delete step is
only performed if the condition code that is returned from any previous job
step is four or less (
Y or N).
Defines the default data set name that is used for Analysis JCL. This data set
can be either a sequential or partitioned data set. Hardcoding a member name
is not recommended for a partitioned data set. The products automatically
use the Work ID as the member name.
Defines the default data set name that is used for Baseline JCL. This data set
can be either a sequential or partitioned data set. Hardcoding a member name
is not recommended for a partitioned data set. The product automatically
uses the Work ID as the member name.