Default Option Descriptions
BMC Software, Inc., Confidential and Proprietary Information
Chapter 7 Installing CHANGE MANAGER 7-23
These DOPTs control the input keywords to Analysis as follows:
• Local-copy parameters (parms) for the COPYDDN keyword can be
COPY01 and COPY02, separated by commas or blanks.
• Remote-copy parameters (parms) for the COPYDDN keyword can be
RECV01 and RECV02, separated by commas or blanks.
CPLDIAG=SYSOUT The default name for the CM/PILOT component’s diagnostic output data set
The default worklist data set name for a new TASKID used in the CM/PILOT
component. The products dynamically allocate the data sets the first time that
they are used. This data set name can be overridden on the Analysis Interface
panel. This data set can be either a sequential file or a partitioned data set
DASDMAN=Y Indicates whether version 5.1 or later of DASD MANAGER PLUS is
installed (
Y or N). ALTER and CHANGE MANAGER select DB2 catalog
statistics for space estimation. When
DASDMAN=Y, any statistics from the
BMCSTATS tables will be merged.
DATACLAS=N Indicates whether support for the DATACLAS parameter is required for
VCAT-defined DB2 objects (
Y or N).
DATE=&SYSDATC This parameter is used only if you have ASMA90 as your assembler.
The VSAM CATALOG alias that contains the data sets of the DB2 catalog.
Names the three default DBRM libraries.
DBRMLIB=N Includes the LIBRARY parameter on the BIND statement for plans and
packages (
Y or N).
Note: A disadvantage to adding the LIBRARY parameter to the BIND PLAN
command is that the order of the libraries on the BIND could be
incorrect. If some DBRMs are present in multiple libraries, ALTER
and CHANGE MANAGER cannot guarantee that the concatenation
will result in every DBRM coming from the correct library.
DEFERUIX=N For DB2 Version 5 and later, enables ALTER and CHANGE MANAGER to
create unique indexes with the
DEFER YES parameter (Y or N).