BMC Software, Inc., Confidential and Proprietary Information
2-20 Administrative Products for DB2 Installation Guide
Specifying User Options
Step 3 Specify an output JCL data set to contain the installation JCL that the Install
System generates.
The output JCL data set contains
• all of the jobs that are used to install the selected products
• the ISPF panels and table that correspond to the product CLISTs
• most of the CLISTs that are used to run the selected products (Some
products do not require CLISTs in the installation JCL.)
Warning! The default is the HLQ.JCL data set. If you enter an existing data
set name, the Install System warns you that it will overwrite
existing JCL in that data set.
The installer may need to review the user-named output JCL data set
periodically to customize a product, remove the installation, or accommodate
the request of a BMC Software technical support representative on a support
call. You should have one output JCL data set for each type of installation. If
you overwrite an output JCL data set, you remove a helpful audit trail.
Step 4 Specify the output JCL VOLSER or Storage Management System (SMS)
Step 5 Specify a user profile ID for the installation user profile.
The Install System uses the ID that you specify and the suffix PROF to form
the profile member name. The default value of the profile ID is
DCI, and the
ID can be up to four characters long. The Install System stores the profile in
the following locations:
• the output JCL data set that you specified in Step 3
• the ISPF profile data set (ISPPROF) that is associated with your user ID
• the HLQ.INSTALL library that you created when you unloaded the
Install System from the tape
The installation user profile contains the settings for the installation variables.
For more information about how the Install System uses the installation user
profile, see “Installation User Profile” on page 1-19.
Warning! If you use an existing profile, you must review the installation
parameters carefully. Failure to change the required parameters
during the new installation procedure can cause severe errors
when you submit the installation JCL. For example, if you do not
change a DB2 plan name from a previously specified value, you
can overwrite a plan that your current installation uses.