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Archet is a small hamlet in Bree-land, northeast of the Town of Bree, nestled at the
edge of the Chetwood. The town and its outlying lands are inhabited by farmers and
other rustic folk, who have little use for the bustle of big town life. A few Hobbits
dwell here, but the inhabitants are mostly Big Folk.
The lack of any real authority and the peaceful nature of Archet’s people have
recently drawn the attention of a band of brigands. Rumour has it that they have
much darker goals than terrifying common-folk and farmers. To counter this threat,
a retired sellsword by the name of Brackenbrook has begun organizing the townsfolk
into a makeshift garrison to repel the advances of the brigands.
At the intersection of the Great East Road and the Greenway, the Town of Bree has
long stood as a gathering place for Men, Hobbits, and other travellers from far-off
lands. Long ago, Bree was a thriving town, set against a large sloping hill within
the vibrant lands of Arnor. Although the North Kingdom has long-since faded into
distant memories, the remains of those glorious days can still be found throughout
Bree’s winding ways.
Travellers along the Great East Road still stop at The Inn of the Prancing Pony to share
news of distant lands. Bree is home to both Men and Hobbits, though adventurers must
now be wary. As a shadow of evil creeps across the lands and the spirits of Men weaken,
many of Bree’s citizens have been lured into service by agents of darkness.
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