
• Increased Might
• Increased Vitality
• Increased Common Damage
• Increased Morale
Regeneration in combat
• Increased Power
Regeneration in combat
• Decreased Agility
• Decreased Fate
• Increased Agility
• Increased Resistance to Disease
• Increased Resistance to Poison
• Decreased Fate
• Decreased Maximum Morale
• Decreased Morale Regeneration
out of combat
• Increased Vitality
• Increased Morale Regeneration
out of combat
• Increased Resistance to Fear
• Increased Shadow Damage
• Decreased Might
• Increased Fate
• Increased Might
• Extra Morale when inspired
• Decreased Will
14 15
Hobbit Begins in Green Hill Country
There are few recorded deeds of Hobbits
until late in the Third Age of Middle-earth,
which is just the way Hobbits prefer it. They
are a simple, quiet folk, preferring to dwell in
hillside holes in and around the land known as
The Shire. These small folk enjoy the peaceful
endeavors of farming, eating and gift giving,
rather than concerning themselves with the
dangerous affairs of the rest of Middle-earth.
In these dark days, however, it is the unas-
suming Hobbits, with their often surpris-
ing cleverness in both word and action,
that will have the greatest impact in the war
between the Free Peoples of Middle-earth
and the lengthening shadows of evil…
from Angmar, to the north.
Man Begins in Archet
The race of Man is the shortest-
lived of the races of Middle-
earth, yet it is also the race des-
tined to rule in the years beyond
the Third Age. Their mortality
was considered a unique gift,
but in time it became known as
“The Doom of Men” and the
source of lamentation. Men are
capable of great courage and
honour, yet they can also easily
fall prey to ambition, deceit
and betrayal.
Dwarf Begins in the Silverdeep Mine
Dwarves can be excellent warriors, displaying unique
toughness in battle and ability to craft great things.
The stout Dwarves of Middle-earth are known for
their steadfast determination, hearty strength, and
commitment to all things found
in the world’s deep places. Living a
secretive life in their homes beneath
the great mountains, Dwarves are
expert miners and workers of stone
and metal. They stand on average
four-and-a-half to fi ve feet high,
and live long lives, occasionally
reaching an age of 250 years.
Elf Begins in Edhelion
Tall and strong, fair and graceful, Elves have keen
senses and a deep affi nity for the beauty of the
natural world. Throughout the ages, the deeds
and struggles of the noble races of Elves have
been entwined with the history of Middle-
earth. Elves do not grow old as other races
do — there are Elves abroad in Middle-earth
today who still remember their youth in the
First Age. They remember all too well the
devastation caused by the tides of evil that
once darkened the land — a
shadow that threatens to do
so once again. In ages past, the
Elves divided into
many different groups,
and settled throughout
Middle-earth, primar-
ily in the ancient
forested realms where
they still live.
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