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Basic Stats
Damage Reduction (Mitigation)
Damage reduction (Common, Fire & Shadow)
reduces incoming damage to your character. Your
Character Journal lists your base value for each of
these three categories. However, a foe whose level is
higher than yours will lower that chance.
Common damage reduction is determined by your
Armour Value, your Might and any Traits or equip-
ment that adjust mitigation.
Fire and Shadow damage reductions are determined
by your Vitality and any Traits or equipment that
adjust those mitigations.
Resistances. Your Fear, Wound, Disease and Poison
Resistance values are your base percentage chance
to avoid these aspects of an attack. Will improves
Fear resistance; Vitality improves Wound, Disease
and Poison resistance. Appropriate Traits or equip-
ment can also improve your resistances.
Abilities. Abilities include Critical, Block, Evade and
Parry. Your Character Journal lists your base percent-
age chance for each one. A foe whose level is higher
than yours will lower that chance.
Critical. Most melee attacks can have a Critical effect,
but that effect varies depending on the type of at-
tack. Often, a critical effect increases the damage you
infl ict, but (for example), a critical Shield Crush can
knock your foe down.
Block, Evade & Parry. All three work against melee
attacks. Ranged attacks cannot be parried.
Effectiveness. Melee Effectiveness and Ranged
Effectiveness values are not actually used by the
game. They are provided to help you estimate your
ability to deal damage. Higher values are better.
Other Stats
Each character has seven basic stats:
Morale, Power, Might, Agility, Vitality,
Will and Fate. Your initial stats are
determined by your class and race.
They improve as your character gains
experience (and levels). They can
also be improved by Traits (p. 67).
Morale. The higher your Morale:
The more damage you can take before you are defeated.
(This is the green bar in your Character Vitals display.)
Power. You use Power to trigger most of your skills;
if you are out of Power, you cannot use those skills.
(This is the blue bar in your Character Vitals display.)
Might. The higher your Might:
The higher your melee damage
The better your ability to block and parry attacks that
can be blocked or parried
The better your Common (physical) damage reduc-
tion (mitigation)
Agility. The higher your Agility:
The less often you miss with an attack
The better your ability to evade and parry attacks that
can be evaded or parried
The higher your ranged damage
The better your chance to critically hit a foe
Vitality. The higher your Vitality:
The higher your maximum Morale
The more quickly you restore Morale when not in
The better your Shadow and Fire damage reduction
The better your Wound, Disease and Poison
Wi ll . The higher your Will:
The higher your maximum Power
The more quickly you regenerate Power when not in
The better your Fear resistance
Fate. The higher your Fate:
The more quickly you restore Morale and regenerate
Power when in combat
The more likely you are to get a Critical result with
your healing abilities
Creating a Character
Who will you be in Middle-earth?
Click on the New Character button at the Character Selection screen to
create a new character. Your character is your in-game persona and will be
defi ned by the choices you make during character selection. Although your
character will develop while adventuring, the changes made during charac-
ter creation are not reversible.
These fi ve buttons are available on most character creation screens:
Options To modify your graphic and other settings (see Options, p. 94).
To return to the previous screen (usually to make a different choice).
To confi rm your current choices and move to the next screen.
To return to the Character Selection screen without saving your character.
To quit your current game session.
There are four races in the game —
Dwarves, Elves, Hobbits and Men — each
with its own strengths and weaknesses.
Click on one of the choices in the Select
a Race column (which includes all the
possible race/gender combinations) to see
a sample character and a brief description
of that race and what its playable classes are.
(Note that not all races can play all classes.)
If you want more information about a
race, select Play Movie. When you have
selected the race/gender combination you
want for this character, click Continue.
In addition, you can choose whether to
play as a male or female. There are no pen-
alties or bonuses attached to gender; it just
determines your appearance (and might
affect how you play your character or how
other players perceive you).
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