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Sometimes quests will send you on
a private adventure (an “instance”)
for you to complete. These instances
can only be entered while you are
on the quest. In general, none of
these instances can be repeated.
However, even if you have already
completed an instance quest, you
can still help members of your fel-
lowship complete the quest them-
selves by visiting a Refl ecting Pool.
The Refl ecting Pool will enable
you to join your fellowship inside
the instance.
These areas of the world are marked
by special portal entrances. They are
special dungeons or areas for you
and/or your fellowship. Unlike
quest instances, these areas have no
specifi c quest associated with them,
but each has several quests that
point you inside the area. Expect an
adventure instance to be quite diffi -
cult and to take an extended period
of time with unique boss battles.
The rewards for these instances are
correspondingly greater than the re-
wards for other instances and areas.
This is a special version of an ad-
venture instance that is “locked” and
can exist over several days, enabling
you to experience the encounter
over multiple gaming experiences.
You become locked to one of these
instances when you kill one of its
bosses or fi nish a specifi c branch
of the instance. Once you have
become locked, you can only enter
the instance with others who have
the same locked fl ag. You can view
your current locked encounters by
using the /raid locks command.
This will tell you how long you
have until the instance will reset.
Instances Chatting
The Chat bubble icon opens many
kinds of chat channels.
The Chat windows allow you to
converse with people around you.
You can also chat with members
of your fellowship or Kinship, and
send and receive personal messages.
In addition to typing messages that
are seen by players in your vicinity,
there are different chat channels
within the Chat windows.
Click on the chat-bubble
icon at the bottom left corner
of the Chat window to select the
default channel for your conversa-
tion. You can select from among the
three most common channels at
that point (Say, Fellowship or
Kinship), or select Output Channel
to display a list of Emotes and seven
more chat channels.
Once you have chosen a chat
channel, your chat will only appear
there. For example, only your fel-
lowship will see your chat text in
your fellowship chat channel.
This can also be achieved by using
chat commands. Chat commands are
all preceded by “/” (slash). For ex-
ample, if you want to type a message
that only your Kinship members can
hear, type /k before the message. To
type a message that is only heard in
your fellowship’s channel, type /f
before your message.
To see a complete list of chat com-
mands, type /help in the Chat
window. To send a PM (personal
message) to another player type
/tell <player name> <message>.
To send a tell back to a person that
has just sent you a message type
/r <message> in the Chat win-
dow. You can stop a person from
sending you tells (personal mes-
sages) — in fact, you can prevent
the display of anything he broad-
casts unless he is in a fellowship
with you — by adding him to your
Ignore list. To add a person, select
him, right-click on him, then scroll
down to Chat and click Ignore. You
can also add a character to your Ig-
nore list through your Social panel.
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