As you explore the world, you will meet
other characters. Some of these are
controlled by other players (player
characters, or PCs). Some may be
enemies that you will have to fi ght
or avoid. The rest will be non-player
characters (NPCs). These are the or-
dinary citizens of Middle-earth, going
about their business.
Some NPCs have icons above their
heads, signaling a special purpose
of some sort. To talk to any NPC,
go up to him and right-click
on him. Keep your eye out for
NPCs with a gold ring icon
fl oating over their heads. These
characters have something im-
portant they need to talk to you about
— the gold rings indicate a character
who can offer you a quest (see p. 68),
or further a quest that you are already
on. (A silver ring means that the quest
the NPC has to offer is too high for
your level and you should come back
later; a fl aming ring indicates a part of
the Epic storyline.)
Other important NPCs to keep your
eye out for are Vendors (see p. 76),
and Trainers (see p. 17).
Your Radar indicates quest NPCs
with a gold ring, Vendors with a
green and gold tabard, and Trainers with
a scroll (among other icons). Hover your
cursor over any Radar icon to get more
information about it.
You will not be in Middle-earth
long before you have to prove your
worth in combat against enemies
or wild creatures. To enter com-
bat, make sure you have your best
weapon and armour equipped, then
click on the enemy you wish to
fi ght to target it. (Press t to cycle
through available targets, especially
if you are having trouble selecting
the specifi c target you want.)
To engage in melee (close-range)
combat, approach the target and
click the large auto-attack button
(the circled sword) at the bottom of
your screen. You will begin to attack
as soon as you enter melee range.
Alternatively, you can enable your
character to automatically move to
the target you select. To enable this
option, go to the Options Panel and
select Auto Move To Target under
Combat Options. (This setting may
make it easier for players who are
new to online games.)
If you are using a ranged attack
— lore, bow and so forth — tar-
get the creature and then click the
auto-attack button. As soon as you
enter range, you will begin to at-
tack. The creature will probably run
to attack you; once it enters melee
range, you will automatically switch
weapons to melee combat.
As you become more comfort-
able in combat, try one of your
character’s skills. Your equipped
skills are located on your Quick-
slot Bar (see p. 56). To use a skill,
select a target and click on the skill’s
Quickslot icon (or press its cor-
responding key — for example, 1)
to perform that skill.
Alternatives: Move in to attack and
double-click on a target, or right-
click on a target.
Some enemies will not attack until
you attack them fi rst; others will
be more aggressive (such as wolves)
and may assault you if you even get
close to them.
As you increase in level, you gain
access to special abilities (or skills)
that greatly expand your tactical
options in combat. However, you
have to purchase each one from one
of your class Trainers before you
can use it. Make sure you visit the
Trainer for your class (for example,
Hunter) each time that you level.
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