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The country of The Shire is a land of peace and pastoral beauty, where Hobbits dwell
in seclusion from the world at large.
In former times, Men were seldom seen there, though Dwarves often passed through
The Shire as they traveled to the Blue Mountains from their lands in the East. More
rarely still, Elves could sometimes be seen in the woods as they journeyed to Mith-
lond, the Grey Havens beyond the borders of The Shire, where they cross the Sea into
the West.
Dark things seldom threatened the hills and meadows of The Shire. Largely this has
been because Hobbits are very good at keeping to their own business and not being
noticed by others. But the Little Folk would be aghast and unbelieving if they only
knew the lengths to which Gandalf the Grey and the Rangers of the North have gone
to ensure the country’s peace. Now, though, even The Shire cannot escape the notice
of the Shadow in the East.
In days of old, the North Downs were the heart of the kingdom of Arthedain, home
to the great cities of Annúminas and Fornost, which fell to the ravages of Angmar.
Upon the dread Fields of Fornost dwell the shades of Oathbreakers who betrayed
their king and became Fell Spirits of the First Age, serving the Witch-king of Angmar.
In addition to the Fields of Fornost, this region contains many of the most important
ruins of the ancient Arnorian kingdoms, revered and oft-visited by the Rangers of the
North, the descendants of the Dúnedain of Arnor. It is here that the Rangers make
their stand against the creatures of the shadow.
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