3 - 86
【#3035(PR)】 spunit Output unit
Select the data unit for communication with the spindle drive unit.
This selection is applied to the data communicated between the NC and spindle drive unit as well as
the spindle movement data. Note, however, that this parameter is enabled only for the MDS-D
Series spindle drive unit.
Spindle/C axis depends on this parameter setting and the C axis output unit (servo) is ignored.
When MDS-D Series is used, follow the setting of "#1003 ctrl_unit".
B: 1μm
C: 0.1μm
D: 10nm
E: 1nm
【#3037】 taps21 Synchronous tap switching spindle speed 2 (Gear: 00)
Set the spindle speed at which the 2nd step acceleration/deceleration time constant is to be
switched with gear 00.
---Setting range---
0 to 99999 (r/min)
【#3038】 taps22 Synchronous tap switching spindle speed 2 (Gear: 01)
Set the spindle speed at which the 2nd step acceleration/deceleration time constant is to be
switched with gear 01.
---Setting range---
0 to 99999 (r/min)
【#3039】 taps23 Synchronous tap switching spindle speed 2 (Gear: 10)
Set the spindle speed at which the 2nd step acceleration/deceleration time constant is to be
switched with gear 10.
---Setting range---
0 to 99999 (r/min)
【#3040】 taps24 Synchronous tap switching spindle speed 2 (Gear: 11)
Set the spindle speed at which the 2nd step acceleration/deceleration time constant is to be
switched with gear 11.
---Setting range---
0 to 99999 (r/min)
【#3041】 tapt21 Synchronous tap switching time constant 2 (Gear: 00)
Set the time constant to reach synchronous tapping switching spindle speed 2 (taps21- 24) with gear
---Setting range---
1 to 5000 (ms)
【#3042】 tapt22 Synchronous tap switching time constant 2 (Gear: 01)
Set the time constant to reach synchronous tapping switching spindle rotation speed 2 (taps21 - 24)
with gear 01.
---Setting range---
1 to 5000 (ms)
【#3043】 tapt23 Synchronous tap switching time constant 2 (Gear: 10)
Set the time constant to reach synchronous tapping switching spindle rotation speed 2 (taps21 - 24)
with gear 10.
---Setting range---
1 to 5000 (ms)