1 - 14
1 Installation
1-2-2 Shaft characteristics
There is a limit to the load that can be applied on the motor shaft. Make sure that the load applied on the
radial direction, when mounted on the machine, is below the tolerable values given below. These loads also
affect the motor output torque, so consider them when designing the machine.
Spindle motor Tolerable radial load
SJ-VL2.2-02ZT 196N
SJ-VL11-10FZT 245N
SJ-VL0.75-01T, SJ-VL1.5-01T 490N
SJ-D3.7/100-01, SJ-DJ5.5/100-01
SJ-V2.2-01T, SJ-V3.7-01T, SJ-V5.5-01ZT, SJ-V7.5-01ZT, SJ-V7.5-03ZT,
SJ-VL11-05FZT-S01, SJ-VL11-07ZT
SJ-D5.5/100-01, SJ-DJ7.5/100-01 1470N
SJ-D7.5/100-01, SJ-D11/80-01, SJ-DJ11/100-01
Consider on the machine side so that the thrust loads are not applied to the spindle motor.
Radial load
(Note) The load point is at the one-half of the shaft length.