Taking Photographs—Flash Photography
Flash Exposure Compensation
In P, S, A, and M modes, fl ash exposure compensation can be used to increase
or reduce fl ash output from the level chosen by the camera’s fl ash control
system (fl ash exposure compensation is not available in Digital Vari-Program
modes). Flash output can be increased to make the main subject appear
brighter, or reduced to prevent unwanted highlights or refl ections. As a rule
of thumb, positive compensation may be needed when the main subject is
darker than the background, negative compensation when the main subject
is brighter than the background.
Rotate the mode dial to P, S, A, or M and choose a fl ash sync mode as
described in Steps 1–4 of “Using the Built-in Speedlight” ( 97–98).
Pressing the button, rotate the sub-com-
mand dial and confi rm fl ash exposure com-
pensation in the control panel or viewfi nder.
Flash exposure compensation can be set to
values between –3 EV (darker) and +1 EV
(brighter) in increments of
/3 EV.
At values other than ±0, a icon will be
displayed in the control panel and viewfi nder
after you release the button. The current
value for fl ash exposure compensation can be
confi rmed by pressing the button.
Take a picture as instructed in Steps 5–7 of “Using the Built-in Speed-
light” ( 99).
Normal fl ash output can be restored by setting fl ash exposure compensation
to ±0.0 or performing a two button reset ( 111). Flash exposure compen-
sation is not reset when the camera is turned off.
Using Flash Exposure Compensation with Optional Speedlights
Flash exposure compensation is also available with optional SB-800 and SB-600 Speed-
9—EV Step ( 144)
This option can be used to set the increments for fl ash compensation to ½ EV.