Tutorial—Basic Photography
Step 4—Frame a Photograph
Choose a focus mode and frame a photograph.
.1 Choose autofocus
Confi rm that the focus-mode selector is
pointing to AF (autofocus). At this setting,
the camera will focus automatically when
the shutter-release button is pressed half-
way. Pictures can only be taken when the
camera is in focus.
.2 Frame a photograph
The rec om mend ed stance for tak ing pho to -
graphs is with one foot a half pace in front
of the other and your upper body stable.
To prevent blurred photographs caused by
unsteady hands (camera shake), hold the
camera steadily in both hands, with your
elbows propped lightly against your torso
for support. Hold the handgrip in your
right hand and cradle the cam era body or
lens with your left.
Viewfi nder Frame Coverage
The viewfi nder shows slightly less of the image (approximately 95% both vertically and
horizontally) than appears in the fi nal photograph.
Viewfi nder Focus
The viewfi nder is equipped with diopter adjustment
to ac com mo date individual dif fer enc es in vision. To
adjust viewfi nder focus, slide the diopter adjustment
control up and down until the viewfi nder display and
focus brackets are in sharp focus. If necessary, the
rubber eyepiece cup can be removed; when the cup is
replaced, the lettered face should be down.
When operating the diopter adjustment control with your eye to the viewfi nder, be
careful not to put your fi ngers or fi ngernails in your eye.
Diopter can be adjusted in the range –1.6 m
to +0.5 m
. Cor rec tive lenses (avail able
sep a rate ly; 190) allow di opt ers of –5 m
to +3 m