Technical Notes—Caring for the Camera
The Low-Pass Filter
The CCD image sensor that acts as the cam era’s picture element is fi tted with
a low-pass fi lter to prevent moiré. Al though this fi lter prevents foreign ob-
jects from adhering directly to the image sensor, under certain con di tions dirt
or dust on the fi lter may appear in photographs. If you suspect that dirt or
dust in side the camera is affecting your pho to graphs, you can check for the
pres ence of for eign ob jects on the low-pass fi lter as described below.
Remove the lens and turn the camera on.
Press the but ton and select Mirror lock-
up from the set up menu ( 162). Highlight
Yes and press the multi se lec tor to the right.
The mes sage, “Press shutter-release but ton”
will be displayed in the cam era mon i tor, and a
row of dash es will be dis played in the con trol
pan el and viewfi nder.
Holding the camera so that light falls on the
low-pass fi lter, ex am ine the fi lter for dust or
lint. If there are for eign ob jects on the fi lter,
the fi lter requires cleaning. See the fol low ing
sec tion.
Press the shut ter-re lease but ton all the way
down. The mir ror will be raised and the shut-
ter cur tain will open, re veal ing the low-pass
fi l ter, and the row of dashes in the con trol
panel will blink.
Mirror lock-up
Ye s