Taking Photographs—Optimizing Images
Suiting Colors to a Workfl ow: Color Mode
The D70 offers a choice of color modes, which determine the gamut of col-
ors available for color reproduction. Choose a color mode according to how
pho to graphs will be pro cessed on leaving the cam era.
Choose for portrait shots that will be print ed or used “as is,”
with no fur ther modifi cation. Pho to graphs are adapted to
sRGB col or space.
Ia (sRGB)
Photographs taken at this setting are adapted to Adobe RGB
color space. This color space is capable of expressing wider
gamut of colors than sRGB, making it preferred choice for im-
ages that will be extensively processed or retouched.
II (Adobe RGB)
Choose for nature or landscape shots that will be print ed or
used “as is,” with no fur ther modifi cation. Pho to graphs are
adapt ed to sRGB col or space.
Mode II
When opening photographs taken in Mode II in Adobe Photoshop or other applica-
tions that support color management, select the Adobe RGB color space. Although
the system for recording Mode II images is based on Exif and DCF, it is not in strict
conformity with these standards. Mode Ia or Mode IIIa is rec om mend ed when taking
pho to graphs that will be printed using ExifPrint, the di rect print ing op tion on some
house hold print ers, or kiosk print ing or other com mer cial print ser vic es. For infor-
mation on whether your printer or print ser vice sup ports ExifPrint, refer to the docu-
mentation provided with your print er or speak to your photofi nisher.
Nikon Software
For best results when viewing photographs on a computer, use the software provided
with the camera or Nikon Capture 4 version 4.1 or later (available separately), which
make an excellent addition to any imaging workfl ow. Nikon Capture is unique in its
ability to directly edit NEF fi les without affecting the image quality of the original, and
belongs at the fi rst stage of any production workfl ow involving image editing soft-
ware. When photographs created with the D70 are opened in the software provided
with the camera or Nikon Cap ture 4 version 4.1 or later, the ap pro pri ate color space
will be selected automatically.