Taking Photographs—Focus
Re com pose the pho to graph and shoot.
In single-ser vo AF (AF-S), focus will remain locked be tween shots as long as
the shutter-re lease button is kept pressed half way, al low ing sev er al pho to -
graphs in suc ces sion to be taken at the same focus setting. Focus will also
remain locked between shots while the AE-L/AF-L button is pressed.
Do not change the distance between the camera and the subject while focus
lock is in effect. If the subject moves, focus again at the new distance.
AF-Area Mode
Select Single area or Dynamic area for Custom Setting 3 (AF-area mode; 140)
when focusing using focus lock.
AF-C is selected automatically when the mode dial is rotated to .
15—AE-L/AF-L ( 147)
This option controls whether the AE-L/AF-L button locks focus and exposure (the de-
fault setting), focus only, or exposure only.