Technical Notes—Specifi cations
Battery Life
The number of shots that can be taken with fully charged batteries varies with the
con di tion of the batteries, temperature, and how the camera is used. The following
examples assume a fully-charged EN-EL3 battery (1400 mAh) or three fresh Sanyo CR2
batteries inserted in the MS-D70 battery holder at a temperature of 20 °C (68 °F).
Example 1
Zoom Nikkor AF-S DX 18–70 mm f/3.5–4.5G IF ED lens; con tin u ous shoot ing mode;
con tin u ous-servo autofocus; image quality set to JPEG Basic; im age size set to M;
shutter speed ½
50 s; shut ter-re lease pressed half way for three sec onds and fo cus cycled
from infi nity to min i mum range three times with each shot; after six shots, mon i tor
turned on for fi ve seconds and then turned off; cycle re peat ed once exposure meters
have turned off.
Number of shots (EN-EL3): 2000 Number of shots (CR2): 560
Example 2
AF-S DX 18–70 mm f/3.5–4.5G IF ED lens; sin gle-frame shoot ing mode; single-ser vo
autofocus; image qual i ty set to JPEG Normal; im age size set to L; shut ter speed ½50 s;
shut ter-re lease pressed half way for fi ve seconds and fo cus cycled from infi nity to min-
i mum range once with each shot; built-in Speedlight fi red at full power with every
other shot; AF-assist illuminator lights when Speedlight is used; cycle re peat ed once
exposure meters have turned off; camera turned off for one second with every ten
Number of shots (EN-EL3): 400 Number of shots (CR2): 160
The following can reduce battery life:
CR2 Batteries
CR2 batteries are best suited for use at room temperature. At low temperatures, CR2
batteries loose much of their charge. The number of shots that can be taken with
CR2 batteries may very depending on their make and condition. Some makes of CR2
battery can not be used.
• Using the monitor
• Keeping the shutter-release button
pressed halfway
• Repeated autofocus operations
•Taking NEF (RAW) photographs
• Slow shutter speeds
To ensure maximum battery performance:
• Keep the battery contacts clean. Soiled contacts can reduce battery performance.
• Use EN-EL3 batteries immediately after charging. Batteries will lose their charge if
left un used.
• CR2 batteries should not be reused after the “battery exhausted” indicator has been
displayed. Although the batteries may recover some of their charge when removed
from the camera, they will be prone to sudden drops in voltage that may result in
unexpected errors.