Tutorial—Basic Photography
Non-CPU Lenses
Digital Vari-Program modes (including mode) are available only with CPU lenses.
The shutter release is disabled when a non-CPU lens is attached. See “Optional Acces-
sories: Lenses for the D70” ( 183).
CR2 Batteries
Depending on the type of battery and on battery use, the camera may require more
time to update the exposure-count display when CR2 batteries are used.
For information on what to do when fl ashes in the exposure-count display, see
“Troubleshooting” ( 200).
Camera Off Display
If the camera is turned off with a battery and memory
card inserted, the number of exposures remaining will
be displayed in the control panel.
.3 Check the num ber of exposures re main ing
The exposure-count displays in the control
pan el and viewfi nder show the num ber of
pho to graphs that can be taken at current
set tings. When this number reaches zero,
will fl ash in the exposure-count displays,
while the shutter-speed displays will show
a blinking or . No further pic-
tures can be taken until you de lete pic tures
or in sert a new mem o ry card. You may be
able to take additional pictures at lower im-
age qual i ty or size set tings.