Taking Photographs—Choosing a Shooting Mode
The Memory Buffer
The camera is equipped with a memory buffer for tem po rary storage, allowing shoot-
ing to continue while photographs are being saved to the memory card. When the
buff er is full, the shut ter is disabled until enough data have been trans ferred to the
mem o ry card to make room for another photograph. In con tin u ous mode, shooting
will con tin ue as long as the shutter-release button is held down, al though the frame
rate will drop once the buffer has fi lled.
While photographs are being recorded to the memory card, the access lamp next to
the memory card slot will light. Depending on the number of the images in the buf-
f er, recording may take from a few seconds to a few minutes. Do not re move the
mem o ry card or re move or dis con nect the power source until the access lamp
has gone out. If the camera is switched off while data remain in the buffer, the power
will not turn off until all images in the buffer have been recorded to the memory card.
If the battery is exhausted while images remain in the buffer, the shutter release will be
disabled and all images will be transferred to the memory card.
The approximate time required to write the entire buffer to a Lexar Media 40 × WA USB
card is given below. Write times may drop when a microdrive card is used.
• NEF (RAW): 6 s (4 frames) • JPEG Normal (size L): 9 s (12 frames)
Buffer Size
The number of im ag es that can be stored in the memory
buffer at current set tings is shown in the ex po sure-count
dis plays in the viewfi nder and con trol pan el while the
shutter-release button is pressed. Note that the actual
number of images that can be stored in the memory
buffer may vary with the type of subject.
To choose a shooting mode, press the button
and rotate the main command dial. Shooting
mode is displayed in the control panel: