Taking Photographs—Exposure
P: Auto Multi Program
In this mode, the camera automatically adjusts shutter speed and aperture
ac cord ing to a built-in program ( 78) for optimal exposure in most sit-
u a tions. This mode is recommended for snapshots and other sit u a tions in
which you want to leave the camera in charge of shutter speed and aperture.
Ad just ments can be made using fl exible program, ex po sure com pen sa tion
86), and auto ex po sure bracketing ( 87). Mode P is only available with
CPU lenses.
To take photographs in auto multi program:
Rotate the mode dial to P.
Frame a photograph, focus, and shoot.
Flexible Program
In mode P, different com bi na tions of shutter speed and
ap er ture can be selected by rotating the main com mand
dial (“fl exible program”). All combinations pro duce the
same ex po sure. While fl exible program is in effect, a
icon appears in the control panel. To restore the default
shutter speed and aperture, rotate the main com mand
dial until the icon is no longer dis played. Defaults can
also be re stored by turning the cam era off, rotating the
mode dial, raising or lowering the built-in Speedlight,
per form ing a two-but ton re set ( 111), or choosing an-
other setting for Custom Setting 9 (EV step; 144).