Taking Photographs—Image Quality and Size
Image Quality and Size
Making Effective Use of Memory
Together, image quality and size determine how much space each pho to -
graph occupies on the memory card.
Image Quality
The D70 supports the following image quality options (listed in descending
order by image quality and fi le size):
Option Description
NEF (Raw)
Raw 12-bit data from CCD are saved directly to memory
card in compressed Nikon Electronic Image Format (NEF).
JPEG Normal
Normal image quality, suited to most ap-
Fine image quality, suitable for enlargements
or high-quality prints.
JPEG Basic
Basic image quality, suitable to distribution
by e-mail or use in web pages.
Two images are recorded, one NEF (RAW) image and one
basic-quality JPEG image. Image size ( 43) automatically
set to L; JPEG image is 3,008 × 2,000 pixels in size.
NEF (Raw) / NE F + J PEG
NEF images can only be viewed using the software provided with the camera or Nikon
Capture 4 version 4.1 or later ( 191). When photographs taken at NEF + JPEG Basic
are viewed on the camera, only the JPEG image will be displayed. When photographs
taken at NEF + JPEG Basic are deleted, both NEF and JPEG images will be deleted.
File Names
Photographs are stored as image fi les with names of the form “DSC_nnnn.xxx,”
where nnnn is a four-digit number between 0001 and 9999 as signed automatically in
ascending order by the camera, and xxx is one of the following three letter extensions:
“NEF” for NEF images, “JPG” for JPEG im ag es, and “NDF” for Dust Off ref photos
( 166). The NEF and JPEG fi les recorded at a setting of NEF + JPEG Basic have the
same fi le names but different extensions. Images recorded at an Optimize image >
Color mode setting of II (Adobe RGB) have names that begin with an underbar, e.g.,
“_DSC0001.JPG” ( 56).
Compression ratio
(1 : 8)
(1 : 4)
(1 : 16)