
Xerox 4112/4127 Copier/Printer User Guide
3. Scan
File Format
You can select the applicable file scanning format by using the
File Format option.
NOTE: The number of format features available varies between
formats. If a feature is not available for the specified format, it is
either not displayed or displayed as ‘greyed-out’ and not
1. From the Filing Options tab, select File Format...
2. Select the applicable file format:
TIFF/JPEG Auto Select: Automatically saves scanned
data as TIFF or JPEG files. Full color and grayscale
scanned images are stored in JPEG format, and
monochrome scanned images are saved in TIFF format.
PDF Images Multiple Pages per File: Saves multiple
pages into a single file in PDF format.
PDF/A: Saves scanned data in the PDF/A format; PDF/A
format is used primarily for archiving and long-term
Optimize PDF for fast web: If you select one of the PDF
file format options, the Optimize PDF for Fast Web View
option is available for selection.
NOTE: The Optimize PDF for Fast Web View feature allows the
user to open and view the first page of a multi-page PDF
document within a web browser, while the remainder of the
document continues to load in the background. This may increase
the overall file size. Fast Web View restructures an Adobe PDF
document for page-at-a-time downloading (byte-serving) from web
servers. With page-at-a-time downloading, the web server sends
only the requested page, rather than the entire PDF document.
This is especially important with large documents that can take a
long time to download from a server.
Check with your web master to make sure that the web server
software you use supports page-at-time downloading. To ensure
that the PDF documents on your website appear in older
browsers, you may also want to create HTML links (versus ASP
scripts or the POST method) to the PDF documents and keep
path names--or URLs--to the files at less than 256 characters.
TIFF File for Each Page: Saves each page into a different
file in TIFF format.
mTIFF Multiple Pages per File: Saves multiple pages into
a single file in TIFF format.
JPEG File for Each Page: Saves each page into a
different file in JPEG format.