Xerox 4112/4127 Copier/Printer User Guide
3. Scan
When using the PDF Scan Kit, you have access to the following
compression models:
• MRC High Compression: This feature, specific to the PDF
Scan Kit, enables you to create high resolution, high quality
compressed scans that allow for fast and efficient transport
through networks without impacting the scanned image
quality. For additional information, see; MRC High
Compression Scanning page 3-49.
The following compression models apply to Black and White
images, only. They are available when using the standard scan
package as well as with the PDF Scan Kit.
• MH: Modified Huffman - (CCITT-G3) Lossless Fax
compression for binary Black and White images, only. For
Black & White pages, MH is used when Photo is selected as
the Original Type.
• MMR: Modified Modified Read - (CCITT-G4) Lossless Fax
compression for binary Black and White images, only. This is
the default setting for Black and White jobs.
• JBIG2: Joint Binary Image Group v2 - The most recent
replacement for the CCITT-G3/G4 binary Black and White
lossless compression schemes. A scanned image can be
compressed up to 10x smaller than with TIFF G4 (MMR).
There are two sub categories:
– JBIG2-Arithmetic: Arithmetic coding is a method of
encoding data using a variable number of bits. The number
of bits used to encode each symbol varies according to the
probability assigned to that symbol.
– JBIG2-Huffman: An extremely popular compression
method for text-based data. Huffman coding uses an
integral number of bits to encode a symbol.
• JPEG: Joint Photographic Experts Group - A compression
method that is commonly used for images. Most JPEG
compression is lossy. For Grayscale and Color images, JPEG
is used to compress the image. JPEG resolution depends on
system settings. See the System Administrator Guide or
contact your system administrator for additional details.
NOTE: Lossless data compression allows the same original data
to be reconstructed from the compressed data. Lossless
compression is used for data and text files. Lossy data
compression does not produce exact reconstructions. Audio and
video files often use lossy compression.