Indicator list
Area 1 Area 2
Area 3
Area 1
Indicates thata Bluetooth tele-
phone isconnected.
Indicates thatthe digital formatis
Dolby Digital.
Indicates thatthe digital formatis
MPEG Audio.
Indicates thatthe digital formatis
Linear PCM.
Indicates thesampling frequency.
Indicates thatthe digital formatis
Indicates theaudio channel.
Indicates thata disc withPBC On
is beingplayed.
! Indicates thata cellular phone
is connected.
! Indicates thatan incoming call
has beenreceived and hasnot
been checkedyet.
! Not displayedfor calls made
when yourcellular phone is
disconnected fromthis unit.
Indicates thebatte ry strength of
the cellularphone.
! The levelshown on theindica-
tor maydiffer from the actual
battery strength.
! If theb attery strength isnot
available, nothingis displayed
in thebattery strength indica-
tor area.
Indicates thesignal strengthof the
cellular phone.
Indicates thatAuto EQ ison.
Shows whenradio signal isre-
Shows whenanalog audio ofHD
Radio signalis received.
Shows whendigital audio ofHD
Radio signalis received.
Shows whenHD Radio stationin-
formation isreceived.
Shows whendownloadable song
information (tag)from a radiosta-
tion isreceived.
Shows whensong information
(tag) froman HD Radiostation is
being savedto this unit.
Shows whilesearching a song/
video inalphabet search mode.
Shows whensong information
(tag) isbeing saved toyour iPod.
Shows whenthis unit hasthe song
information (tag).
Shows whichaudio language has
been selected.
Additional information
Additional information