2 Turn M.C. to select the function.
After selecting, perform the following proce-
dures to set the function.
DEVICELIST (connectingor disconnecting ade-
vice fromthe device list)
! When nodevice is selectedin the device list,
this functionis not available.
1 Press M.C. todisplay the settingmode.
2 TurnM.C. to selectthe name of adevice you
want toconnect/disconnect.
! Pressand hold M.C.to switch the
Bluetooth deviceaddress and device
3 Press M.C. toconnect/disconnect the selected
If the connectionis established, *is indicated
on thedevice name.
DEL DEVICE(deleting a devicefrom the device
! When nodevice is selectedin the device list,
this functionis not available.
1 Press M.C. todisplay the settingmode.
2 TurnM.C. to selectthe name of adevice you
want todelete.
! Pressand hold M.C.to switch the
Bluetooth deviceaddress and device
3 Press M.C. todisplay DELETE YES.
4 Press M.C. todelete a deviceinformation from
the devicelist.
! While thisfunction is in use,do not turnoff
the engine.
ADD DEVICE(connecting a newdevice)
1 Press M.C. tostart searching.
! To cancel,press M.C. whilesearching.
2 TurnM.C. to selecta device fromthe device
! If the desireddevice is notdisplayed, select
! 6-digit numberappears on thedisplay of
this unit.Once the connectionis estab-
lished, thisnumber disappears.
! Pressand hold M.C.to switch the
Bluetooth deviceaddress and device
3 Press M.C. toconnect the selecteddevice.
! To completethe connection, checkthe de-
vice name(DEH-6400BT/DEH-5400BT/
DEH-64BT) andenter the PINcode on your
! PIN codeis set to0000 as the default.You
can changethis code.
! If you areunable to completethe connec-
tion usingthis unit, use thedevice to con-
nect tothe unit.
! If 3devices are already paired,DEVICE-
FULL isdisplayed and itis not possibleto
perform this operation.In this case,delete
a paireddevice first.
SPCLDEVICE (settinga special device)
Bluetooth devicesthat are difficultto establish a
connection withare called specialdevices. If your
Bluetooth deviceis listed asa special device, se-
lect theappropriate one.
1 Press M.C. todisplay the settingmode.
! If 3devices are already paired,DEVICE-
FULL isdisplayed and itis not possibleto
perform this operation.In this case,delete
a paireddevice first.
2 TurnM.C. to displaya special device.Press to
3 TurnM.C. to displaythis unit’s devicename,
Bluetooth deviceaddress and PINcode.
4 Use a device toconnect to thisunit.
! To completethe connection, checkthe de-
vice name(DEH-6400BT/DEH-5400BT/
DEH-64BT) andenter the PINcode on your
! PIN codeis set to0000 as the default.You
can changethis code.
A. CONN(connecting to aBluetooth device auto-
1 Press M.C. toturn automatic connectionon or
VISIBLE (settingthe visibility of thisunit)
To checkthe availability ofthis unit from otherde-
vices, Bluetoothvisibility of this unitcan be turned
1 Press M.C. toturn the visibilityof this unit on
or off.
! While settingSPCLDEVICE, Bluetooth visi-
bility of thisunit is turnedon temporarily.
PIN CODE(PIN code input)
To connectyour device tothis unit viaBluetooth
wireless technology, you needto enter aPIN code
on yourdevice to verifythe connection. Thedefault
code is0000, but youcan change it withthis func-
1 Press M.C. todisplay the settingmode.
2 TurnM.C. to selecta number.
3 Press M.C. tomove the cursorto the nextposi-
4 After inputting PINcode, pressand hold M.C.
! After inputting, pressingM.C. returns you
to thePIN code inputdisplay, andyou can
change thePIN code.
DEV.INFO (Bluetooth deviceaddress display)
1 Press M.C. todisplay the settingmode.
2 TurnM.C. left toswitch to the Bluetoothdevice
Turning M.C.right returns to thedevice name.
Bluetooth Audio
! Depending on the Bluetooth audio player
connected to this unit, the available opera-
tions will be limited to the followingtwo lev-
— A2DPprofile (Advanced AudioDistribution
Profile):Youcan only playbacksongs on your
audio player.
— AVRCPprofile (Audio/VideoRemote Control
Profile):Youcan perform playback, pause
playback, selectsongs, etc.
! Since there are a number of Bluetoothaudio
players available on the market, available op-
erations will vary extensively. Whenoperating
your player with this unit, refer to the instruc-
tion manual that came with your Bluetooth
audio player as well as this manual.
! Information related to a song (such asthe
elapsed playing time, song title, song index,
etc.) cannot be displayed on this unit.
Operating this unit
Operating this unit