
5900335 © 2005 JCM-American Corporation
At the beginning of each section you will find a
"Chapter Guide", that summarizes the content of
the specific section.
Separate software instructions to configure the
Coin Changer are located in "Configuration" sec-
tion 11.
– Contains the configuration and
diagnostics programs for the JCM Coin
Validators, and the operating instructions for
the Optipay™ CC A-66 Coin Changer.
– Contains the operating
instructions for configuring the Optipay™ CC
A-66 Coin Changer
– Contains the operating
instructions for configuring the A-66 Coin
General Information Concerning Coin
The four tube Optipay™ CC A-66 Coin Changer
series is designed for vending and service
machines containing the serial Multi Drop Bus
(MDB) interface.
The integrated Coin Validator contains the reliable
sensor system and false money rejection capabili-
ties of the tried and tested G-40.4000 Coin Valida-
tor within the G-46.4 Coin Changer series.
In order to react as quickly as possible to newly
inserted false coins and to enable your individual
adjustments, the Coin Validator can be connected
to a Personal Computer (PC) programming station
containing the WinEMP
configuration and diag-
nostics software, including a card reader, chip card
and the G-19.0641 test assembly. With the aid of a
Palm Pilot
handheld containing PalmEMP
, and
program applications, the Coin
Changer can be configured directly at the vending
machine independently from the PC method. This
manual deals exclusively with the Coin Changer
configuration using the Palm Pilot
. For configura-
tions using the other programs, separate software
instructions are available. (see the "Service tools"
section in this section and Chapter 11 "Configura-
tion" for further information).
Token types not programmed by the manufacturer,
can be programmed directly at the Coin Changer
by inserting the new tokens.
An easily configured Coin Validator enables
fast reaction to changing market situations and
new false coin introductions
Easy configuration with help from:
the WinEMP
PC software for the workshop
the PalmA66
or PalmEMP
with Palm
handheld software
Reliable sensing system and optimum
rejection of false coins due to the integrated,
electronic A-66 Coin Validator
Universal payout mechanism for different coin
diameters and thicknesses
Flexible payout combinations by easy tube
cassettes change out
Faster service due to error diagnosis
Splash-proof electronics
A monitored coin run and controlled sorting
guarantee an improved operating reliability
and protection against manipulation
An acceptance speed of 2 coins per second
A teach mode, able to learn up to three
different tokens types or sizes
Flash Memory technology for implementing
uncomplicated and time-saving Coin Validator
operating software updates
Service Tools
In order to test the Coin Changer and adapt it to the
individual needs of your facility, the following
accessories can be acquired from JCM:
PC Test Station
If you only wish to check the functionality of the
Coin Changer without making any adjustments, the
JCM Test Station is sufficient for this purpose. The
Test Station is composed of the following two
Test software WinMDB
Tester G-19.0654 for use as Vending Machine
simulation and MDB functional testing.
If these instructions are not available to you,
they can be downloaded at any time from
the JCM home page (www.jcm-ameri-
can.com) in a compressed Portable Docu-
ment File (PDF) format.