
5900335 © 2005 JCM-American Corporation
FUNCTIONS Optipay™ CC Section 4
being refilled, rather than from the stored number
of coins set in the register (see section 11 "Config-
Individual Wake-up Time Consider-
For battery operated Coin Changers with an exter-
nal wake-up line, a specific time period can be set
that specifies how long the Coin Changer remains
ON after the last Vending Machine poll (wake-up
time) (see section 11 "Configuration").
When the wake-up time has elapsed, the Coin
Changer automatically switches itself OFF and
must be re-initialized again by the Vending
Machine control system activating the external
wake-up line.
Accepting and Converting a Sec-
ond Currency Type (optional)
If the Coin Changer needs to accept two currency
types, the second currency value can be converted
to the main currency value using a set rate.
The second currency value is rounded up or down
respectively in such a way that it can be managed
by the main currency counter. Chapter 11 "Config-
uration" describes which configuration tool is used
to program a second currency.
Minimizing String Manipulation
The Coin Changer can be optionally equipped with
a String Sensor. This device recognizes coins
inserted into the device connected to a string and
inhibits this type of coin from being accepted. By
recognizing this security condition these coin types
will not generate a credit value.
The sensitivity of the String Sensor can be individ-
ually set for each unit (see section 11 "Configura-
Following a string manipulation attempt it is possi-
ble to reject the next 100 tube coins inserted by
directing them to the Cash Box instead of into the
coin tubes. Coins directed to the Cash Box are less
prone to manipulation, so further attempts at string
manipulation will obviously fail (see section 11